81-386 GDYNIA      
interlang  +48 504 152 974      
interlang   BIURO@INTERLANG.PL       interlang  ENGLISH interlang  DEUTSCH interlang  ITALIANO
interlang   INTERLANG TRANSLATION AGENCY   UL. KILIŃSKIEGO 5/8A   81-386 GDYNIA       interlang  +48 504 152 974       interlang   BIURO@INTERLANG.PL       interlang  POLSKI interlang  DEUTSCH interlang  ITALIANO


Our services include:

Specialist translations

We translate from and into practically all the languages of the world. We specialise in translations covering various areas of business, industry, technology, economy, law, finances and medicine. We also translate websites. We offer our clients the best translators, who are fluent in a given language and have exemplary knowledge and expertise in a given subject. We select translators for each of our translation projects, taking into account their education, professional knowledge and expertise.

Certified translations

We offer certified translations of any official documents, such as notarised deeds, notary-certified agreements, vehicle registration certificates, identity documents, diplomas, certificates, etc. The standard page in the case of certified translations is 1125 characters (in compliance with the regulation from the Polish Ministry of Justice).

Verification and editing

We offer verification and editing of translations provided by the client.

Translation quality

Our translators are consummate professionals who in addition to language fluency have extensive knowledge and expertise in the various areas the translated texts concern. Our firm has implemented a quality management system compliant with ISO 9001:2008 in order to guarantee the highest quality of our services. We also work in compliance with the PN-EN 15038 standard, which is the first quality standard dedicated solely to the translation business. Each translation undergoes verification aimed at comparing the source text and the translation to make sure that the translation is correct, the text is complete, the appropriate register and style has been consistently used and the terminology typical of a given client or industry has been applied.

Graphical processing

At special request from our clients, we offer graphical processing, which includes image and chart editing while preserving the original file format.

Bezpłatna wycena

Posiadasz dokument do przetłumaczenia? Nie wiesz ile mogłoby to kosztować?
Wyślij go do nas a dokonamy bezpłatnej wyceny usługi!

Najwyższa jakość

W celu zagwarantowani najwyższego poziomu usług nasza firma wdrożyła system zarządzania jakością zgodny z ISO 9001:2008. Pracujemy także zgodnie z normą PN-EN 15038, która jest pierwszą normą jakościową odnoszącą się wyłącznie do branży tłumaczeniowej.


W naszej pracy stosujemy zasadę bezwzględnej poufności. Zasada ta dotyczy zarówno naszej firmy, jak i współpracujących z nami tłumaczy. Na życzenie klienta podpisujemy odrębne klauzule poufności. Pliki źródłowe oraz wykonane tłumaczenia znajdują się na chronionym serwerze, co umożliwia ich ochronę przed dostępem osób trzecich.


Simultaneous interpreting

This kind of interpreting is usually needed during press conferences, industry meetings, press conferences, etc. The interpreter is in a sound-proof booth and has no contact with the speaker. The interpreter hears through the headphones what is uttered in the source language and simultaneously interprets what has been heard into the target language using the microphone. The participants of the meeting or conference hear the interpreted speech through their headphones. This kind of interpreting is very demanding, since the interpreter needs not only to be fluent in both languages and have a very good knowledge of the subject but also to have such features as stress tolerance, divided attention, ability to concentrate, quick reflexes, good diction, etc.

Consecutive interpreting

In the case of consecutive interpreting the interpreter begins to speak only after the speaker has ended a part of their speech. The interpreting is done bit by bit, and the interpreter adjusts to the speaker’s tempo. During this kind of interpreting, the interpreter usually stands or sits next to the speaker, listens to them and possibly makes notes. The interpreting can be done ‘at the table’ for a smaller group of listeners as well as in a large hall or auditorium using a sound system.

Consecutive interpreting

This is also a form of simultaneous interpreting without the specialist equipment (booth, communication and sound system) being used. The interpreter sits next to a small group of people or one person and interprets in a low voice what the speaker is saying. This kind of interpreting is usually offered during small meetings or in situations where a small group of people doesn’t speak the language most participants of the meeting use.

Certified interpreting

Some situations require interpreting to be done by a sworn translator (for example, when signing agreements at the notary’s office or marriage ceremonies at the Registrar’s).
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Free of charge cost estimate

Do you have a document which you need translating and you wonder how much it would cost?
Send it to us, and we will provide you with a cost estimate free of charge!


We stick to the principle of absolute confidentiality in our work. This principle applies to both our firm and the translators and interpreters who cooperate with us. On request, we sign separate confidentiality clauses. The source files and the translations are stored on a protected server, safe from unauthorised access.
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