81-386 GDYNIA      
interlang   +48 504 152 974      
interlang   INTERLANG TRANSLATION AGENCY   UL. KILIŃSKIEGO 5/8A   81-386 GDYNIA       interlang  +48 504 152 974       interlang   BIURO@INTERLANG.PL       interlang  POLSKI interlang  DEUTSCH interlang  ITALIANO

Free of charge cost estimate

To receive the translation cost estimate and conditions of the service, please fill in the form below.


We stick to the principle of absolute confidentiality in our work. This principle applies to both out firm and the translators and interpreters who cooperate with us. On request, we sign separate confidentiality clauses. The source files and the translations are stored on a protected server, safe from unauthorised access.

General terms and conditions of services provided by INTERLANG Translation Agency


1. The translation unit is a standard page consisting of 1800 keystrokes, including blank spaces. The total number of pages is the sum of all keystrokes (characters, blank spaces and paragraph indents) divided by 1800 according to MS Word wordcount. The minimum unit of account is one page.
2. In the case of certified translations, the standard page is 1125 keystrokes, including blank spaces (this page size has been determined according to regulation from the Polish Minister of Justice). The minimum unit of account is one page.
3. Translation will be carried out on the basis of the client’s order sent by email, fax, traditional mail or delivered in person, following confirmation of acceptance for implementation by the translation agency, specifying the translation cost and deadline. In the case of orders from clients who have already cooperated with our agency, ordering a translation without a prior cost estimate shall mean acceptance of the charge set unilaterally by the agency.
4. The cost estimate is free of charge, except for estimates of complex websites and documents containing a large number of graphical elements or secured files in the pdf format. In such instances the price of the cost estimate will be determined for each case individually.
5. The client shall inform the translation agency of the intention to publish the translated materials in electronic (e.g. websites) or printed form (advertising catalogues, literature or academic publications, etc.). In such cases the translated materials shall undergo additional editing and possible error correction. The editing cost is 50% of the translation cost. Unless the agency has been notified of the intention to publish the text in the printed form and unless additional editing has been done, the liability of the agency for any damages cause by printing the text with possible errors shall be excluded.
6. We prepare translations in the same graphical layout as the source text in one of the standard MS Office programmes with no extra charges. In the case of documents created in applications other than the MS Office package or uneditable files, the price of the cost estimate will be provided to the customer beforehand.
7. The payment for the translation shall be made on the basis of a VAT invoice issued after the translation is completed. The payment shall be made in the form of a bank transfer to the agency’s bank account as specified in the invoice. Invoices for services performed will be sent by the translation agency to the client in electronic form (via email) or in paper form by traditional postal mail.
8. The order implementation period shall not include the date of receiving the text for translation and the date of return to the client.
9. Orders are received from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm Monday to Friday.
10. Orders received on a day which is not a business day shall be deemed received on the next business day at 9.00 am.0
11. Translations are carried out according to the following four tariffs:
- regular (up to 6 standard pages a day)
- urgent (between 6 and 10 standard pages a day)
- express (between 10 and 15 standard pages a day)
- super-express (over 15 standard pages a day)
12. Order implementation time shall be calculated in business days, except for the express and super-express tariffs, where the time will be determined in calendar days and will be agreed individually in each case.
13. In the case of translations which are especially difficult and require specialist knowledge, the client should provide the translation agency with a properly prepared glossary.
14. The time set for receiving the translation shall be the time when the work is ready to be received at the translation agency’s office. The translation agency shall not be responsible for any delays due to malfunctioning email or telefax connections or for the courier not arriving on time.
15. If the order is withdrawn, the client shall pay for the part of the work already carried out according to the price agreed at the time of ordering the service. The order must be cancelled in written form and sent to the translation agency via email, fax, post or delivered in person. A translation cannot be cancelled on the last day of implementation.
16. The translation agency’s liability for any reason with regard to the client shall be limited to the amount of the net remuneration for the translation in connection with which the damage has occurred.
17. Unless the client has reported any reservations regarding a translation returned by the translation agency within 7 days of receipt of the translation by the client, this shall mean final acceptance of the translation.
18. In the case of a reasonable complaint brought within 7 days of the date of receipt of the translation by the client, the translation agency reserves the exclusive right to correct the translation which the complaint concerns. In such instances reasonable time for removing the defects will be set.
19. Complaints shall not be granted in the case of orders implemented in the urgent, express and super-express tariffs. However, the translation agency may correct the translation as part of the price for the translation carried out in the given tariff.
20. The client shall not hire any translators who have cooperated with the translation agency carrying out orders for this particular client.
21. The client shall acquire the proprietary copyright to the translation only after the payment for the service has been made.
22. The prices specified in the offer are net prices. Please add 23% VAT accordingly.
23. The above terms and condition shall only apply with regard to corporate clients.


1. In the case of interpreting the unit of account is a four- or eight-hour block, and in the case of interpreting which involves travel, the unit of account shall always be an eight-hour day of the interpreter’s work, even if the interpreting period was in fact shorter.
2. The interpreter’s work time shall be calculated from the time for which the interpreter was ordered and came to work to the time when the interpreter was dismissed. However, this time cannot be shorter than specified in the order.
3. The client cannot shorten the time of the interpreting ordered during the order implementation.
4. Each commenced hour of the interpreter’s work shall be calculated as a full hour.
5. The interpreter’s daily work time shall be 8 hours. A two-hour block shall be added to the interpreting cost plus a 50% extra charge for overtime for the 9th and 10th hour of the interpreter’s work. An additional two-hour block shall be added to the interpreting cost plus a 100% extra charge for overtime for the 11th and 12th hour of the interpreter’s work. A 100% extra charge shall be added to each subsequent hour of the interpreter’s work, on condition that the interpreter agrees to work such overtime.
6. Each break in interpreting which lasts less than two hours shall be included in the interpreter’s work time.
7. Once the order has been carried out, the client shall confirm the duration of the interpreter’s work time in the written form.
8. In the case of simultaneous (booth) interpreting lasting longer than one hour, the presence of two interpreters is required.
9. If an ordered interpreting is cancelled by a client two business days before the agreed time, the client shall pay 75% of the total order value. If an ordered interpreting is cancelled by a client one business day before the agreed time, the client shall pay 100% of the total order value. If a cancelled interpreting involves travel, the client shall also pay the additional costs (travel costs as well as board and accommodation of the interpreter), provided that such costs have been incurred.
10. If interpreting is provided on Sunday, holidays and public holidays, the rate shall be 100% higher.
11. In the case of interpreting involving travel (outside the interpreter’s place of residence), the client shall be responsible for organising the trip, accommodation and whole-day meals for the interpreter.
12. The payment for the interpreter’s travel time will be agreed each time individually.
13. The cost estimate of interpreting shall not include the costs of technical services (additional personnel, sound system, projectors, booths, etc.).
14. The client shall not hire the interpreters.
15. The prices specified in the offer are net prices. Please add 23% VAT accordingly.

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We stick to the principle of absolute confidentiality in our work. This principle applies to both out firm and the translators and interpreters who cooperate with us. On request, we sign separate confidentiality clauses. The source files and the translations are stored on a protected server, safe from unauthorised access.
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Copyright © interlang 2022. All Rights Reserved
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